A hot tub can be a wonderful addition to your home – as long as it is maintained properly for safety and maximum enjoyment. One of the most important elements that needs to be monitored regularly is the chemical content of the water to ensure that the water remains safely bacteria free and clean. When you fill your tub for the first time, you will be instructed on how to set up the hot tub spa chemicals and use them in a proper balance. Every time you drain your tub for cleaning, which should be done every two to three months depending on use, you will need to set your hot tub spa chemicals again. There are approximately a half dozen hot tub spa chemicals that must be added in the right amounts, so keep your instructions handy to ensure that you remember the correct measurements each time you refill your tub. The Weekly Maintenance Of Your Hot Tub Spa Chemicals Each week, your tub should be tested for Bromine, pH, and alkalinity levels. You will probably need to add four to six new Bromine tablets each week to keep levels where they need to be to keep bacteria at bay. You will need to rinse out the Scumballs or Scumbugs that are used to avoid a ring at the waterline of your tub, and place them back in the water until you are ready to use the tub. You will need to add a handful of other chemicals as well, so again it is a good idea to keep a list handy so you know you are keeping the hot tub spa chemicals in check. The Daily Maintenance Of Your Hot Tub Spa Chemicals Every day you need to make sure that your spa water filters on low speed for at least three hours a day. Make sure that your Bromine floater has tablets in it at all times, except when you are using your tub. Your Scumballs or Scumbugs should also remain in the tub at all times, unless it is being used. If your hot tub is equipped with an Ozonator, this should also be run on low speed at least three hours a day. If it appears that you will be using many hot tub spa chemicals to keep your spa running safely, you are absolutely correct. This is why it pays to shop around for the best prices on the chemicals that you will be keeping in stock. Sometimes your best pricing may come from the internet sites, rather than your local dealer. If you spend some time finding the best deal for your hot tub spa chemicals, you could save quite a bit of money on spa maintenance.

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